Women driving

Quack To School With Quick Quack

Helpful Tips To Keep Your Student Driver Safe On The Road

Ready or not, it’s back to school time. Maybe your kids have already started another school year, or getting ready to start in the next few weeks. There are school supplies to buy and uniforms to sort out. Carpools to plan and lunches to pack. And if your kids are 15 years or older there’s also driver’s education to consider.

Now thinking of your kids driving may feel a little scary. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that you had to tie their shoelaces for them. But, with careful planning, driver training and routine car cleaning, you can help keep your kids safe behind the wheel.

We have prepared helpful tips for your young drivers to feel comfortable and safe on the road.

Make Sure They Have Driver’s Education and Driver’s Training

Driver’s Education teaches the fundamentals of driving, including how to be a prepared and alert driver, basic vehicle maintenance, and overall road safety. And Driver’s Training involves the physical act of operating a vehicle. Currently, 37 states require driver’s education to obtain a license. Exact rules and regulations vary by state. Even if your state doesn’t require it, driver education and training are highly recommended to help prepare your kids for driving safely and responsibly.

Show By Example

While you can’t control other drivers on the road, you can prepare your kids for potential hazards while driving. One of the best things you can do is demonstrate safe driving whenever they are in the car with you. Emphasis the importance of following all traffic laws such as stopping completely at stop signs, following the speed limit and buckling your seat belt. Also ensure that you use a hands-free device if your cell phone is on while driving.

You may also consider getting a dash-cam for your vehicle. If your kids knows that you can review a video of them driving, they may be more inclined to drive safely themselves. Worry they may text and drive? Install a two-way dash cam and enforce consequences if you see them doing so.

Let Them Drive More Often

We all know the saying that practice makes perfect. So, if you want your kids to become good drivers, let them drive more. You can sit in the front passenger seat and give them helpful guidance as they drive. Let them get familiar and comfortable with routine routes such as the drive to school, practice and the grocery store. Have them practice more difficult tasks like parallel parking in an empty parking lot.

Make Sure Their Vehicle Is Safe

If their vehicle is in good shape, it will help make the driving experience easier and safer. Make sure the vehicle is up-to-date on all routine maintenance including oil changes, tire rotations, alignment and that all signals and brake lights work. Also check that their vehicle has a spare tire and emergency preparedness kit in the trunk and that they know how to use them.

Car Inspection with a Kid

Teach Them To Keep The Car Clean

Kids may not think that driving a clean car has anything to do with safety. But routine car washing can help keep vehicles safer, especially in the rain. Our wash is formulated with a special rain repellent that is applied to the windows and windshield of your vehicle. This hydrophobic formula creates a clear, non-stick layer which helps the rain droplets to bead up and roll off the surface. This can improve overall visibility while driving in the rain and help your windshield wipers to glide more easily.


Also, studies show that clutter and dirty environments can be distracting for some teenagers. Teaching your kids what to use to clean car interior and how to clean car mats not only helps them keep their cars clean but also limits those distractions so they can better focus on the road ahead.

Consider An Unlimited Wash Plan

Now that you know a clean car is a safer car, consider adding your kid’s car to your unlimited car  wash membership. You can add up to four additional vehicles from your household to your plan at a discounted rate. And they can wash as often as they want, so they have no excuse to drive dirty. Adding another vehicle to your plan is easy. Just visit the myQQ app and go to “Add Vehicle” and follow the prompts from there.


With a little extra planning, and cleaning at Quick Quack, you can help keep your student driver safe.